Pakketnummer: vLFYUApQ
Saxion /
Deventer /
2024 - 2025 /
HBO-IT year 2 quartile 1 and 2
Ontvang 5% korting op Nederlandstalige titels als je minimaal 2 verschillende studieboeken tegelijk aanschaft.
2.1: Complex Data Structures
2.1: Parallel Computing
2.1: Web Advanced
2.2: Internet Technology
2.2: Project Client on board
2.2: Systeem Design

No specific brand/type requirements
We recommend a laptop with - An adequate based on AMD/Intel x86-64 architecture, - so NO type of ARM processor (e.g. APPLE M1 / M2) due to lack of virtualization support - sufficient internal memory (at least 16 GB) - sufficient storage space (SSD with at least 256 GB) - wireless 802.11n - USB-A connection or USB-C with adapter to USB-A - backup space (e.g. external hard drive or cloud)
Vragen over producten of een bestelling? Neem contact op via 088 - 2044 326 of ons contactformulier.