Pakketnummer: oAptzUhv
Nyenrode Business Universiteit
Nyenrode Business Universiteit /
2024 - 2025 (lijsten nieuw studiejaar in juli beschikbaar) /
Accountancy /
English-taught Pre-Master of Science in Accountancy
Ontvang 5% korting op Nederlandstalige titels als je minimaal 2 verschillende studieboeken tegelijk aanschaft.
Business Research Methods (April 2024)
Introduction to Bookkeeping (May 2024)
Introduction to Auditing (May 2024)
Professional Leadership & Development Journey (May 2024)
Financial Accounting Theory (June 2024)

9780134166681 Financial Accounting Theory
Not available at Studiewinkel, you can buy it at the publishers website Pearson: - Business Information Systems (June 2024)
Business Statistics in Practice (October 2024)

9781526889690 Business Statistics in Practice with Connect Card 360 days
(can not be delivered through Please see for instructions digital license via the BSIP Canvas-page. Access to the Canvas page will be three weeks before the start of the course. After you request a digital license, you can purchase a hard copy (at a discount) in the online environment. You will have automatic access to the ebook with the digital license. Please note that the exam is an open book exam. In any case, do not buy an older version or a version without a code.