Pakketnummer: Xb_Q92cB
HAN University of Applied Sciences
HAN University of Applied Sciences /
Nijmegen /
2024 - 2025 /
Bachelor /
Chemie / Chemistry /
Chemie/Chemistry Voltijd /
Chemistry Year 1
Ontvang 5% korting op Nederlandstalige titels als je minimaal 2 verschillende studieboeken tegelijk aanschaft.
Semester 1
Package with 12th edition of the book Biology and access
code to the website of Mastering Biology. This access code is obligatory for the theory classes. If you buy a secondhand copy of the book, please make sure that you have a valid access code for the website.
This will remain valid until 2 years after activation.
Besides the book Biology and the compulsory access code to
the Mastering Biology website, this package also contains a Dutch Glossary, i.e. a list of terms in Dutch. This Dutch glossary is not compulsory, but the book and access code are. This complete package can be purchased instead of the compulsory version with only book and access code (ISBN9781292345864), no 5 on this book list.
Semester 2

Digital labjournal: LabArchives
For digital lab journal, the HAN uses Labarchives. This license will be provided and paid for by the HAN. The only thing you need to do is to create a FREE account with your HAN email address on When you are invited by your practical teacher for your first practical lesson, you will automatically be linked to the HAN license.