HAN University of Applied Sciences
Ontvang 5% korting op Nederlandstalige titels als je minimaal 2 verschillende studieboeken tegelijk aanschaft.
Intercultural Awareness
Bring your own device for exams
For some online exams you need to bring your own laptop: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).

It is important that you can sit the exam without disruption. So prepare well and check well in advance whether your laptop is suitable for your exams:
▪ Administrator rights: You must have administrator rights for the laptop you plan to use for the exam. So it’s not advisable to use a laptop from an internship/company. With such laptops you often won’t have administrator rights to install Schoolyear. ▪ Operating system: Schoolyear is compatible with laptops with Windows 10+ or MacOS 10.13+ operating systems. Schoolyear is not compatible with Chromebooks (Chrome OS), laptops with Linux and iPads. ▪ Working memory and storage capacity: A minimum of 4GB RAM and 300MB free disk space is required to run the app. ▪ Supported browsers: Schoolyear works on the Edge, Chrome and Firefox browsers. Safari is not supported.